Wednesday 7 December 2011

..and Why Hand-Made Soaps Are Better Than Commercial Soaps?

1) First, hand-made soaps are the REAL soaps.

2) It's made carefully and with personal attention in small batches, not industrially manufactured. Its entire making process is made by hand (at least 50% of it) from start till finish - even the packaging. 

3) Hand-made soap makers leave soaps to cure for a few weeks before it can be used. Commercial soaps harden by chemicals almost immediately so that it can be used in a heartbeat.

Why hand-made soaps are normally more expensive than the commercial soaps?
4) Its high quality & expensive contents such as olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, glycerin (that moisturizes your skin) and palm fat are generally good for your skin. In our case, we have products which could do amazing things to your skin : goat's milk and calendula (Refer : Qamalia).   

Naturally, you get your money's worth when you spend more for a particular product. Buy a Benz, u get the luxury feel that comes with the vehicle. Buy a lesser quality car, you get the faulty door knob and power window after a year's use. You get what we mean.

But this is not about getting from point A to point B. This is about what kind of damaging chemical that goes onto your skin and that seeps deeper into your inner organs hence the cause of skin irritation, red spots & eczema; and the causa causas of the more serious skin cancer, hair loss, heart problems and many more fatal diseases. We take life for granted  when using these daily detergents like soaps & shampoos for beautification not realizing that it is like a slow suicidal action we partake without well-informed knowledge.          

You make the decision. Good luck.

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