Friday 13 January 2012

Our Goat Milk Soap to Turkey?

The other day, we got a call from Mr. Emre Yasar from Turkey who told us that his wife was very interested to market our goat milk soap as she loves it so much. 

On the 12th January 2012, we met up with Mr. Emre who happens to be a very, very nice chap. He is attached to MATUACA (Malaysia-Turkey Cultural Association/Persatuan Kebudayaan Malaysia-Turki) based in Kuala Lumpur.

He was saying that sometime ago, his wife received this goat milk soap as a gift from somebody. Until recently, when Mr. Emre saw and bought our goat milk soap somewhere in one of our partner's outlets, she was searching for the soap as she loved the feeling bathing with it very much.

So, Mr. Emre intends to sell these soaps under his own label & brand name, where he asked for our advice and consultation. He immediately bought 1 carton of the soaps. After a while, he asked us to wrap and create a brand for his soap label called 'SILK STORY'. He also expressed his interest to try and market this goat milk soap to the Turkish community here in Malaysia and if that goes well, he wants to take it a bold step further by exporting it all the way to Turkey. InshaAllah.

We wish Mr. Emre and his wife all the best in their new business venture. And if you are reading this page Mr. Emre, rest assured that we will always be here to assist you on anything pertaining to this soap business. Best of luck, sir!

P/S : Thanks a lot for the 2 religious & motivational books you gave us the other day. We really appreciate your kind gesture. Wassalam. 


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