Wednesday 1 February 2012

Our Children Have Skin Diseases

This is a story about Puan Ain of Precinct 11 in Putrajaya whose 9 year old daughter suffers from eczema,a skin disease which causes the skin to dry up. Rashes would then appear which make it become red and very itchy. Naturally, kids tend to scratch their skin when it itches. That's when the skin would peel off & bleed resulting from the intense and frequent scratching. Puan Ain's daughter has these rashes visibly apparent on her elbow.   

Another of Puan Ain's (elder) daughter has a severe seafood allergy. This other daughter would experience redness on her skin and itchiness from the slightest contact with seafood such as peeling a shrimp from its shell. Just imagine what she'd go through if she had taken a bite off the shrimp!  

Some of the images of people suffering from eczema (taken from the Web)

We used to market our soaps at this particular petrol station in Precinct 11 of Putrajaya. Puan Ain used to buy our soaps - both the goat milk and Qamalia - for her and the family (especially her children who have these skin problems) from the petrol station. Since we couldn't sell our soaps at Petronas petrol stations a few months back due to some strict regulations from PDB(Read about it from our previous post, Puan Ain has been ordering soaps from us via phone order.

Puan Ain enjoys using the goat milk soap very much for baths but she told us about how her daughter's skin problems subsided ever since she tried the (goat milk) soap on her. We were delighted and immediately recommended to her the more effective (handmade soap) Qamalia for her daughter's use and wait for any positive results.

Granted, after a few soaps and a couple of years down the line, Puan Ain is one our customers who really believe in our products as it really has made her family feel a lot better today. Alhamdulillah. It is truly a great, great feeling when you can help ease somebody's misery and suffering then turn it into something joyful and relieving.  

Puan Ain also once commented that her elder children would never fail to pack our soaps up with them before leaving for boarding school. A tacky, corny but true storyline for adverts :-)). 

31st January 2012 :

After delivering Puan Ain the soaps she ordered, we then sent a handful of soaps to a customer in Precinct 8, Putrajaya - also from a phone order. Taneesha, 17, is suffering from what most teenagers her age suffer : acne (or zits, to some). We recommended her Qamalia. We hope that Taneesha would watch her food intake, refrain from using any other pimple medication and use the soap as we had shown her how to. We wish her the best of luck and pray for a positive outcome - in a few months - after trying out our soap(s).  

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